Thursday, July 19, 2012

things I'll likely forget

As our little toddler quickly changes and starts pushing limits and making it clear what he wants (dramatic fits included), I find myself trying to enjoy and remember the sweet moments. He now comforts himself by touching his ears (and also ours) when he's tired, falling asleep or in the early morning when he's first woken up. I know kids develop all kinds of ways to comfort themselves, some have blankets or stuffed animals or thumbs, but Keelan is all about his "pappi" (pacifier) and his ears. It cracks me up because his aunt Heidi used to be into her ears as a child and would suck her thumb at the same time, maybe it's in the Denton genes.

When he was sick recently and I would have to rock him to sleep at night and for naps, I would sing simple children's prayers to him until he fell asleep. If I ever stopped singing or humming he would look up at me in his sleepy state and sign "more". This is so funny to me because he doesn't really use his sign language anymore now that he's speaking, so it seems so 'baby-ish' to me, but I think it's sweet ;-)

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