Monday, September 17, 2012

"terrible" two-ness & walk-bouts

This morning was the first day back to storytime after a short summer hiatus and wow, it was pretty miserable. For me that is! The class was fine, and Keelan enjoyed himself for the most part, but he was not... how do I put this... on his best behavior. Over our time going to the library, I've noticed something interesting about the population of storytime goers. There are loads of girls of all ages, many baby boys and 2.5+ boys, but a serious lack in the 18-30ish month range. Hmm... Keelan is most definitely in that category. I have to give myself a pat on the back for keeping my cool as he wandered around on the stage (where the teacher says not to go) gently encouraging him to move back to the seats and smiling as he wandered around looking into all the other Mom's diaper bags saying, "Snack? Snack?" (fits when I wouldn't let him eat their food). Oy. But, we made it out alive and I didn't loose my cool. I may have to gear myself up to go again next week :-)

This afternoon I was thinking about how much I've been enjoying our neighborhood walk-abouts lately. We've had such amazing weather these last couple months, 70's and sunny! We usually go see some neighbor's chickens, goats, dogs and gardens. Keelan is getting pretty good at naming the pumpkins, apple trees, tomatoes and other various growing things.

Today was also his first time exploring finger painting (have NO idea why I haven't tried it before!) and he was hesitant at first, but then started loving it. He started putting the paint in his mouth, hair and on his body, but I let him go for it until the eating it part got out of hand, then it was time for a bath! Later in the day he asked me to "eat color!" ;-) Such a funny dude.

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