Tuesday, March 6, 2012

these are a few of his favorite things

In the past three months, Keelan has morphed from baby to full on toddler! He is a walking, running, climbing, dancing, babbling and signing champ. He amazes me how much he is absorbing and how much he retains! Here is a list of some of his current "skills" :-)

-Points at the ABC cards hung in his room when he wants me to sing the ABC's
-Puts his fingers together when he wants me to sing itsy bitsy spider
-Makes the sign for 'eat' and 'milk'.... the kid loves eating, what can I say?
-Kisses pictures of babies, and sometimes other actual babies.
-Nods his head, swings his arms and does baby squats when he's getting his dance on
-Plays chase around the house with Todd and I, or any visitors who are willing
- Has learned to LOVE snow, not afraid to walk around, sit, eat and play in the snow up at Mt. Baker. 
- Says: Dada, GaGao (for our cat Xiao Mao), car, and the occational 'Mama'.

On another note, within the last three months we've moved into our new house and had a long parade of family visitors/helpers. This parade continues on pretty much through the end of March and then tapers off for our summer travels. My efforts to document these big changes for our family hasn't happend yet, but I hope to get my act together before I forget everything that's happend :-) 

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