Wednesday, December 14, 2011

many wonderful "firsts"

Well, it's final, we bought at house!! This is our sweet little home in the Columbia neighborhood here in Bellingham. It's a very family friendly neighborhood close to town, parks, walking distance to an elementary school, and filled with lots of cute older homes. Our house was built in 1915 so has loads of character, but has been updated with all the important stuff like wiring, plumbing, roof, and windows. We'll have some fixing up to do before we move it, but it's fairly minimal - like carpet in the downstairs, re-painting Keelan's room (it's bright pink right now!), stuff like that. The sellers original plan fell through so right now they are working to buy another house, this means we're doing a 'rent-back' for them for up to 60 days, meaning we don't get to move in until around February or so. Bit of a bummer, but I'm lucky because my Mom is going to come up from California to help out, mainly baby-sit Keelan.

Other "firsts" that have happened within the last two weeks include Keelan finally deciding to call me "Mama" instead of "Nana or NaNar" :-) He doesn't do it that often, but when he does, it's very purposeful to get my attention and I know he's asking me for something.

The weekend before last we went up skiing at Mt. Baker, Todd and I took turns skiing and staying in the lodge with Keelan. We also found out there are no rules here about skiing with a baby in a carrier, so Todd will be doing this on some of the easier runs so we can all ski together. I'm definitely still getting my "sea legs" after not skiing for three years and being a fairly basic skier at that.

Last weekend we got Keelan's first Christmas tree, it's three feet high and just perfect. Being Baha'i, I don't go all out celebrating Christmas, but Baha'is do believe in Christ and there are many Christmas traditions that are important to Todd... so, we will be celebrating Christmas, but in an understated way.

This last week Keelan also took his first intentional steps! He's been walking with his push-toy and along furniture for quite some time, but every night Todd and I try and get him to walk between us. His record of unassisted steps so far is four. We're pretty pumped about this to say the least. Lastly, he has decided that without a doubt, that I am the funniest person that has ever walked the face of this earth. I can just look at him out of the corner of my eye and he laughs! This of course makes Todd tremendously jealous and boosts my ego, hehe. I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts because I know that Mom = funny and cool will end so soon :-( When I'm irritated with him for not sleeping or being a cranky pants I just have to remind myself of how hilarious he thinks I am and I can't be irritated anymore!

In other news, my Mom is coming for a short visit this weekend and I'm thrilled that I get to show her around Bellingham, including the new house (only the outside unfortunately) and around town. Also, our iphoto has been acting up so I can't post any walking or tree pics yet, but will as soon as we work out the kinks.

Also, I just decided to tell more than just family about my blog, it was really a difficult choice because I didn't want to feel voyeuristic or "look at my cool life, blah blah". But I really enjoy looking at friends blogs, especially those with children, and felt like I wanted to share as Keelan grows up. If you're reading, please click "followers" using google connect so I know you're checking in.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Photo Card

Joy Plus Peace Holiday
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