At 10 months now, Keelan's comprehension of language is really starting to show. He is also starting to play games with us a lot more and is a pretty fun guy to hang out with!
So far this month:
-Played "chase" with Daddy around a toy storage bin, crawling around and around looking to find him.
-We took out each of his stuffed animals and he pointed to the eyes and nose of each.
-We ask, "Wheres' Mommy/Daddy's nose?" and he will point or grab our noses.
-We say, "Kiss Mommy/Daddy!" and he will give us a big opened mouth kiss, sometimes he will even purse his lips. I just started to ask him to kiss pictures of babies in books and he will!
-He made the sign for 'bird' and said "caw, caw, caw" while doing it.
-Started dropping or throwing his toys so that we will go get them.
-While watching a baby Einstein movie (which doesn't happen that often), there is a stop light changing from red to green and puppets in cars driving by while the narrator says, "Stop.. Go!"... Keelan said "Go" along with the narrator multiple times!
He's such a gem :-)