So, I am fondly remembering my teaching wordpress blog layout and am getting frustrated with how limited blogger is... but that's besides the point! What is new with Mr. Keelan? He's cut his top two front teeth and starting to really bite me... ouch! He's starting to look pretty cute with his rabbit like chompers though :-) His sleep habits are slowly getting better, he now will sleep from around 7:30 PM to 6:30 or 7 AM, waking up maybe twice or once if we're lucky. He's napping about an hour to an hour and a half in the morning and around 40 minutes in the afternoon. Still fights sleep during the day (there's just so much playing to do!) He's a BIG eater, I'm talking 3/4 cup of baby oats and half a banana for breakfast! He still nurses around 5 times within 24 hours. As Todd says, "He's a gem." He is such a 'happy-go-lucky' kid, smiling all the time, doesn't fuss much unless he's really tired or hungry. He'll bump and bruise himself and won't even cry, just brush it off and keep on truckin'. He got his first haircut (byebye adorable baby curls that were slowly turning into a mullet, I will miss you) from Tracy and didn't bat an eye until she got the sissors out, the buzzer didn't bother him at all!
We've enjoyed an unseasonably warm and sunny October here in Bellingham and had lots of time to explore the parks. We also drove to a nearby farm to pick out Keelan's first pumpkin (and take the cliche' baby + pumpkin patch pics) and pick apples, okay and eat some apple donuts coated in sugar.
This is the week before his first haircut, you can still see some of his curls. |
A very uncommon fussy pic of Keelan, but you can see his expressiveness. |
Keelan getting his first haircut from Tracy! |
First bangs since high school, maybe it was my 'turning 30 crisis.' |
Checkin' out Rocket donuts downtown Bellingham |
My little farm boy :-) |
Not the most flattering photo, but you can see one of his top teeth! |
Again, not the best pic, but here are his botton teeth. |
This one cracks me up, "bell or camera? such a hard choice" |
Enjoying some basil flavored ice cream at Mallards. |