On the Keelan home front, many things have happened! He is crawling, standing up on furniture, blabbing away and slowly learning to be a better sleeper (emphasize the word, slowly). When he was learning to crawl he was a ball of energy and I thought I would never be able to sit down again, but now he has started to calm down a bit, much to my pleasure! He sits and relaxes on my lap when I read him stories, and cuddles up with me in the morning not wanting to move around much. We're starting to develop our routines like story time at the library, walks around the park and dropping Daddy off in the morning (the joys of one car). He's had a cold this last week and has discovered he hates having his runny nose wiped, but loves to wipe it on my shirt.. umm, not my favorite thing. We've sectioned off a room in the house we're renting that is pretty much fully baby-proof, so he can have free reign and move about as he pleases. Anyhow, I'm glad to have some semblance of a routine and normal life after crazy last few months! Here are a few pics from a walk around lake Padden... after I dropped our camera in a giant puddle earlier this summer, it hasn't been the same :-(