Friday, April 29, 2011


can you see it? the dimple on his right? just like daddy :)

mary poppins

Sen Xi is AMAZING and we love her. Living in Shanghai makes it very easy to hire a full time Ayi (nanny) for while I'm back teaching full time. We are SOOO lucky (sorry for the all caps, but I can't emphasize enough how wonderful she is). We started out with another Ayi who wasn't really that into babies and never seemed to care much for Keelan, but Sen Xi adores him. She meets us every morning and helps take Keelan onto the bus to school. Once there, we get him all set up at our good friend Beth Tucker's house who lives across the street from the school (Beth is another amazing person worthy of her own post later). I spend the day running back and forth teaching classes and nursing and/or pumping, which is hectic, but worth it. Just to be able to hold him and be with him during the day and know that he is nearby and in safe hands, is a wonderful blessing. Sen Xi will play with him, take him on walks, walk around with him in the ergo baby carrier, give him a bath and just love him while I'm away. She even reads books to him in English. I've seen her using her translator to make sure she is pronouncing the words correctly to him! Initially I was very sad to be going back to work, but I feel he is so safe with her that I don't feel so upset anymore. I really have so much respect for ALL breast feeding/pumping working (and non) moms everywhere. It is such a big challenge and I can't imagine having to go back after only 6 weeks like most moms in the USA. I had 10 weeks paid and then took 4 extra unpaid weeks so was out of the new newborn stage when I started back. Even though it's great to be back at work and see all my 3-5th grade kiddos, I'm looking forward to being with Keelan full time again. I don't want to miss a thing :-)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

like father, like son

Papa & Keelan, both around 3.5 months old
After Keelan's newborn hair fell out and he was my bald baby for a couple weeks, it grew back in lighter and considerably fuzzier :-) He now is looking a lot like his Papa. We also went in for his most recent appointment (14 weeks) and found out he is only slightly above average on height and weight ( as apposed to being a giant as we were told by many). The Doc said he's pretty much... average. Dang. He has some new skills, like using both his right and left hand to grab everything in sight, although his left hand is still a bit slower. He also ROLLED over from front to back a few times this week and even once from FRONT to back. Although... he did this in a rather interesting way... he rolled OFF the bed. Yeah, onto the floor, ouch! I felt devastated of course as I had my back turned for .2 seconds, but he only cried for a couple seconds and was totally fine. Whew! He is loving his new Ayi (Chinese for Auntie, but is his nanny for when I'm back at work) and we are thrilled. She is constantly saying things to him like, "Wo ai ni. Ni hen conming bao bei, hao ba?" (I love you. You are so smart, aren't you?) She's awesome and I feel a lot more confident leaving him with her when I'm back teaching.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

a day at the park

We've been so fortunate to have all but one of Keelan's Grandparents visit us here in Shanghai. My Mom, Susan, came when Keelan was only a month old, so she was on baby duty for the majority of the time she was here (Thanks Mom!). Then this last month Todd's Mom, Sharon came and got to enjoy the start of spring here in Shanghai. Finally, my Dad and his girlfriend and her son came for a week and got to enjoy a whirlwind week of site seeing along with some good baby time.