Saturday, March 26, 2011


Keelan has acquired a number of nicknames in his twelve long weeks. They mostly come out of nowhere and are totally random. It will be interesting which, if any, of these names will stick.

-Keelan Beelan (always gotta have one rhyming name)
-Fussy Bucket 
-Honey Bear
-Bumble Bee
-Skeeter (short for mosquito eater, why you ask? i have no idea)
- Groucho (short for Groucho Marx - his eyebrow look-a-like)
-Sexy Lips (from Dr. Kong who delivered Keelan)

the list continues...

bizzaro genetics

Before Keelan was born I used to joke with Todd that our baby would have his funny sideways facing pinkie toe and my double jointed thumb and low and behold, he does! He also ended up with Todd's adorable dimple (which looks more like a wrinkle now) but I don't many clear pictures of it yet. Also, now that his newborn hair fell out and his hair is growing in I've noticed a bit of a widow's peak (think Eddie Munster) which is definitely from my Dad. He has my sister Sarah's long fingers and toes and his smile also reminds me a lot of hers.

But his Groucho Marx eyebrows and expressions are all his own.

Monday, March 21, 2011

pregnant reminiscing

leaving our shanghai home

We've lived abroad in Shanghai, China working at Shanghai American School for the past four years and always found it fairly easy to stay in touch with family and friends via phone, facebook, and skype, but now with our wee little son, it seems I can't communicate enough (hence the start of this little blog)! We're moving back stateside in the end of June of this year, but will still be far from family spread out all over the US.

Heading stateside, we're ready to 'set roots' somewhere, have a home-base where we can return to in the summers - as we're determined to continue international teaching as a life-style. Before I became pregnant, Todd and I spent a lot of time talking about where we wanted to buy a house and set roots. We both love our hometown of Juneau, Alaska for many reasons; the breath-taking nature, the small (but not too small) community, the fun and funky downtown, and the Eaglecrest ski area to name a few. But... my immediate family no longer lives there and it's only accessible by a pricey flight from Seattle, WA. It's land-locked and water-locked, which means no roads in or out. The difficulty of family visits and the general isolation of Juneau, would make it a harder place to settle long term. So, I started researching cities in the US with our 'must-have' criteria, including: on the ocean, an hour from a ski-area, an active 'artsy' community, young, family friendly, and near a major airport.  It was surprising how few cities fit these criteria, but one of them was Bellingham, Washington. It's on the Alaskan marine highway, an hour or so from Vancouver, an hour and a half to two hours from Seattle, WA, a little over an hour from Mt Baker, and a pretty young crunchy community. So... Bellingham will be one of the places Todd looks for a job (ha, yeah finding a teaching job in the US now). I have faith that we'll find something, somewhere, despite the economy and job situation in the states.

I'm hoping that this blog will help me to keep family in-touch and up-to-date as our little family grows up.